Our Partners
Stronger together
Our partners for the region:
France, Belgium, Luxembourg
Luxcad / Patrick Mangin
28, rue Guillaume Capus, L-4071 Esch-sur-Alzette
- luxcad@luartxit.com
- Phone number +352 48 22 48
- Mobile number +352 621 78 23 71
- www.luxcad.com
Spain, Portugal
Calle Doctor Sumsi 17, 46005 Valencia
- fadi@luartxit.com
- Phone number +34 963917701
- Mobile number +34 670282618
- www.fadi-ingenieria.com
INAS SA / Gabriela Catana
Craiova, jud. Dolj, Bvd. Nicolae Romanescu nr 37B, zip code 200738
- inas@luartxit.com
- Phone number +40 251438789
- Mobile number +40 745 535 367
- www.inas.ro
L-TÉR Informatika KFT.
Beckó u. 15-19./A Fszt. 4. HU-1149 Budapest
- info@lti.hu
- Phone number +36 1 383 2709
- www.lti.hu
Cooperation Partners
Revizto is a real-time and 3D model-based issue tracking platform with a focus on collaboration and project coordination in AEC projects.
Using gaming and cloud technology, Revizto brings together 2D and 3D BIM and CAD data from disparate systems onto a centralised platform to record, manage and resolve all project-relevant issues. Revizto is intuitive, easy to learn and scalable to any BIM workflow.
AutomationML is a comprehensive XML based object-oriented data modeling language. It allows the modelling, storage and exchange of engineering models covering a multitude of relevant aspects of engineering. AML provides a comprehensive set of flexible mechanisms and innovations to model today’s engineering aspects as well as future engineering aspects to come. Its language characteristics allow to model existing or new domain models. LuArtX is a proud member of AutomationML.